Lineage Research in Nevada

Our state registrar has held numerous workshops for various DAR chapters and genealogical societies on utilizing NSDAR’s Genealogical Research System (GRS) to find Patriots in our lineages.

Eight members from the Nevada Sagebrush Chapter, NSDAR, and Fort Churchill Chapter, NSDAR, transcribed Bible records. Nevada submitted seven volumes to the GRS for a total of 2,371 pages.

A member of the Battle Born Chapter, NSDAR, who is a college librarian at Truckee Meadows Community College in Reno, Nevada, started the TMCC Library Open Genealogy Lab, a place where students, faculty, and the public could come each week to learn how to do genealogical research for free. In October 2021, she saw the completion of a project that she had been working on for several years. The TMCC Library opened its dedicated family history research room. This room has resources to help almost anyone with their family history.

Las Vegas Springs Chapter, NSDAR, has a strong interest in genealogy, particularly in supporting the research of African Americans as they build their research. Chapter members have worked with the U.S. Black Heritage Project to assist in their goal of building and documenting African-American genealogies. Chapter members recommend the book “Slaves in the Family,” which is related to African-American History.